Cultural dimensions: a factor analysis of textor's a cross-cultural summary

Behavior Science Notes Vol/Iss. 7 Published In Pages: 37-81
By Stewart, Robert A. C., Jones, Kenneth J.


Findings: A factor analysis of key dimensions to describe a given culture yielded 12 factors. Factor 7, "aggressive achievement behavior", loaded highly and positively on composite narcissism index; extreme bellicosity; strong or moderate emphasis on military glory; extreme boastfulness; high total positive pressure toward developing self-reliant behavior in child; warfare prevalent; incidence of personal crime above median; full-time entrepreneurs (60)


Test NameSupportSignificanceCoefficientTail

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Textor, Robert B.In societies with a moderate or strong emphasis on military glory, polygynous marriage will be common or occasional (249, 419).
Blum, Richard H."When pressure toward developing self-reliant behavior in the child is high, than: [alcohol use by males is predominant; stimulant use is by both sexes; and stimulant use is by all ages]" (161)
Stewart, Robert A. C.Findings: A factor analysis of key dimensions to describe a given culture yielded 12 factors. Factor 9, "child affection and indulgence", loaded highly and positively on high indulgence of infant and child; high display of affection to infant; high degree of drive reduction and satisfaction immediacy. Factor 9 loaded negatively on high inferred conflict regarding responsible, obedient, and self-reliant behavior for child; high degree of pain inflicted on infant by nurturant agent (61-62)
Stewart, Robert A. C.Findings: A factor analysis of key dimensions to describe a given culture yielded 12 factors. Factor 12, "adolescent peer group activity", loaded highly and positively on time and setting of adolescent peer groups; conflict regarding achievement and obedient behavor of child; exhibitionistic dancing emphasized; and kin group patrilineal or double descent. Factor 12 loaded negatively on games of skill and wives obtained by bride price (64)
Slater, Philip E."There is a positive correlation between male narcissism on the one hand, and pressure for the child to achieve, anxiety over failure to achieve and frequency of achievement behavior on the other" (255)