
Associated Documents (16)

Main AuthorPublished YearTitle
Brown, Judith K.Subsistence variables: a comparison of textor and sauer
Ember, MelvinSize of color lexicon: interaction of cultural and biological factors
Gangestad, Steven W.Pathogen prevalence and human mate preferences
Wolfe, Linda D.Latitude and intersocietal variation of human sexual dimorphism of stature
Barber, NigelOn the relationship between country sex ratios and teen pregnancy rates
Divale, William TulioClimatic instability, food storage, and the development of numerical counting: a cross-cultural ...
Cashdan, ElizabethEthnic diversity and its environmental determinants: effects of climate, pathogens, and habitat ...
Roberts, John M.Games in culture
Gilligan, IanClothing and climate in aboriginal Australia
Young, Sera L.Why on earth?: Evaluating hypotheses about the physiological functions of human geophagy
Currie, Thomas E.Political complexity predicts the spread of ethnolinguistic groups
Collard, MarkRisk of resource failure and toolkit variation in small-scale farmers and herders
Collard, MarkNiche construction and the toolkits of hunter–gatherers and food producers
Whiting, Marjorie GrantA Cross-Cultural Nutrition Survey of 118 Societies, Representing the Major Cultural and Geograph...
Anderson, Judith L.Was the Duchess of Windsor right?: A cross-cultural review of the socioecology of ideals of fema...
Pontzer, HermanEffects of Evolution, Ecology, and Economy on Human Diet: Insights from Hunter-Gatherers and Oth...

Associated Hypotheses (20)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Brown, Judith K.Latitude will positively correlate with the cereals versus tubers (160).
Ember, MelvinSpeech communities further from the equator will be positively associated with having six or more basic color terms (364)
Ember, MelvinSpeech communities further from the equator will be positively associated with the level of societal complexity (364)
Gangestad, Steven W.Ratings of the importance of attractiveness as a criterion of mate choice will be related to pathogen prevalence across cultures (90).
Wolfe, Linda D.Human sexual dimorphism of stature will be associated with latitude category (409, 413).
Wolfe, Linda D.Marriage system will be associated with latitude category (409, 413).
Barber, Nigel"Teen birth rates will be lower at high latitudes" (30).
Divale, William TulioThere will be a relationship between latitude and counting systems (343).
Cashdan, ElizabethAt lower latitudes there will be more ethnic groups in a region (974).
Roberts, John M."There was also a relationship between geographical location and the number of games of physical skill in a society. . . . Tribes living within 20 degrees latitude of the equator [tend to have] fewer than 5 games of physical skill" (604)
Gilligan, IanDegree of clothing use on the Australian continent will increase as latitude decreases due to an associated south-north increasing thermal trend.
Young, Sera L.Frequency of geophagy will be negatively associated with latitude (109).
Currie, Thomas E.Political complexity of the society in which a language is spoken will be positively associated with the geographic range of that language (7340).
Collard, MarkDiversity and complexity of toolkits used by farming and herding groups will be positively associated with risk of resource failure (2).
Collard, MarkToolkit complexity and diversity will be positively associated with risk of resource failure (252).
Whiting, Marjorie GrantAdult male height will be greater in societies located in high latitudes than those located in low latitudes (240).
Whiting, Marjorie GrantAdults will be healthier in societies located in high latitudes than those in low latitudes (235).
Anderson, Judith L.Cold climates (high latitude) will tend to be associated with relatively fat standards of beauty and warm climates (low latitude) will tend to be associated with relatively thin standards of beauty (202,215).
Pontzer, HermanClimate will be associated with the percentage of animal foods in the diet.
Pontzer, HermanClimate and subsistence type will be associated with the percentage of animal foods in the diet.

Associated OCMs

  1. location