
Associated Documents (7)

Associated Hypotheses (11)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Walker, Robert S.Horticultural societies in the Amazonian tropical forest will be more patrilocal than hunter-gatherers (97-98).
Carneiro, Robert L."Human societies have evolved . . . in much the same direction . . . toward increased complexity. . . . [There is] a specific sequence in the development of culture traits which societies, by and large, have consistently followed" (854, 858)
Binford, Lewis R.Use of multiple alternative house forms will be associated with mobility, group size, and subsistence activity (130).
Whiting, John W.M."We propose that husbands and wives will room apart in those societies where warriors are needed to protect property [i.e. more commonly among farmers and herdsmen than among hunters, gatherers and fishermen] and that rooming apart has the psychological effect of producing hyperaggressive males" (192, 194)
Ullah, Isaac I. T.Using multivariate clustering, it is expected that patterns in human subsistence variability will be found that are consistent with the thery of "attractors" and "repellers." (9580)
Simmons, Leo W.In advanced societies, in patriarchal societies, and among herders and farmers, aged women have generally been at a distinct disadvantage in seeking young and vigorous husbands as co-laborers, providers and protectors in their old age (211)
Simmons, Leo W."Statistically, analysis reveals that the practice [killing the aged] has been most prevalent where the climate has been severe, where residence has been impermanent, and the food supply irregular; it has also been observed . . . among collectors, hunters, herders, and fishers" (240)
Simmons, Leo W.The aged of either sex, with some preference for males, have regularly been in demand as sources of information and experience, especially where no better means of preservation and transmission of knowledge is available. They are particularly active as priests and shamans. Variables such as climate, residence, stage of maintenance and family system exercise no marked influence on these special prerogatives of the aged (175)
Simmons, Leo W.". . . .in customs of food sharing with the aged there has been no significant difference in the treatment accorded to aged men and women (34)
Dickens, Andrew Agriculture will be more common in high-productivity regions when compared to non-agricultural subsistence activities.
Dickens, Andrew Non-agricultural subsistence will be more common in areas with low productive land when compared to agriculture.

Associated OCMs

  1. annual cycle
  2. tillage
  3. diet
  4. production and supply