
Associated Documents (5)

Associated Hypotheses (5)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Murdock, George Peter". . . patrilineal institutions [are] associated with the presence of traits indicative of higher civilization, matrilineal institutions with their absence. [Some of these are:] agriculture, [animal] domestication, writing, pottery, weaving, metals, [labor] specialization, money, [social] classes, government [and] priesthood . . ." (467)
Bowden, Edgar"Traits [loading above .5 on] rotated factor Index of Social Development [are]: permanency of residence, group life, agriculture, use of grain for food, constancy of food supply, domesticated animals other than herded, mining and smelting of metals, metals obtained from outside, pottery, weaving, money or other standard medium of exchange, trade, private property in land, power vested in a chief, codified laws, authority of judges, plutocracy, and organized priesthood" (456)
Stark, RodneyBelief in moralizing High Gods will be associated with cultural complexity (621).
Gouldner, Alvin W.Findings: Factor T, "Level of Technology", with its stress on pottery and grain for food is suggestive of neolithic technology. The two heaviest positive loadings (oblimax rotation) were noted above. Other heavy positive loadings are: mining and smelting, prevalence of war, basketry, money, weaving, herding, agriculture, domesticated animals other than herded. Highest negative loadings are: warm climate, legendary heroes, fishing, and patrilocal residence (25)
Textor, Robert B.In societies where females mainly weave, marriages will be polygynous and preferentially sororal (244, 129).

Associated OCMs

  1. woven and other interworked fabrics
  2. division of labor by gender