The sequential evolution of land tenure norms

Evolution and Human Behavior Vol/Iss. 35(4) Elsevier Amsterdam Published In Pages: 309-318
By Kushnick, Geoff, Gray, Russell D. , Jordan, Fiona M.


In this paper, the authors utilize phylogenetic methods to reconstruct the evolution of land tenure norms among 97 Austronesian societies. They coded these norms for each society as none (N), group (G), group-kin (K), and individual (I). After formulating various models of evolution through these various stages, they used Bayesian analysis to determine support for each. They conclude with remarks about this type of evolutionary phylogenetic research as a form of "virtual archeology."


This study utilizes modeling and Bayesian statistics and, thus, support is based on claims from the authors.


Sample Used Coded Data Comment
Unique set of 97 Austronesian societiesresearcher's ownTo be included in this set, societies needed to be included in the Austronesian Basic Vocabulary Database and in either the Encyclopedia of World Cultures or the Ethnic Groups of Insular Southeast Asia

Documents and Hypotheses Filed By:dmccloskey103 anj.droe